23 research outputs found

    The AirSpeck family of static and mobile wireless air quality monitors

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    The IDEAL household energy dataset, electricity, gas, contextual sensor data and survey data for 255 UK homes

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    This paper is based on research funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and undertaking in the projects Intelligent Domestic Energy Advice Loop (grant reference EP/K002732/1) and Data-Driven Methods for a New National Household Energy Survey (grant reference EP/M008223/1). The authors are grateful to the research funding agency and to all those who participated directly in these projects alongside the authors: Prof. D.K. Arvind, Cillian Brewitt, Edmund Farrow, Elaine Farrow, Prof. Johanna Moore, Dr. Evan Morgan and Prof. David Shipworth. Thanks also to the participants in the project, whose participation made this dataset and other work in the projects possible, and to Changeworks (https://www.changeworks.org.uk/) for identifying and recruiting potential participants, managing participant interactions, and installing and maintaining homes’ sensor and app systemsPeer reviewedPublisher PD